
A Leader who knows his Onions

A colleague of mine recently had to give a short presentation which involved describing a leader that inspired her, but using food as the analogy to describe that leadership inspiration. Her challenge caught my imagination and we had an interesting discussion about it. As we are in the catering sector, the humble onion is one ingredient that gets overlooked in our business and yet underpins so much of what we produce from our kitchen. With that in mind, here is a leadership analogy that might just work for you.

An onion packs lots of character despite its size. 
And like a true leader, this appearance belies an unflinching willpower that’s fueled by passion. (Be careful of the smaller ones, they tend to have more bite!)

If you cut an onion open during a meeting, it’s aroma will definitely stand out.
… and this ability to ‘stand out from the crowd’  and leaving that memorable impression is what turns a good leader into a great one. 

However, the same onion has a harmonizing effect when cut within a kitchen.
Skilled leaders create harmony and team spirit by motivating the people around them.

Sometimes the humble onion leads from the front - just look at French Onion Soup. 
- true leaders don’t shy away from situations that others might find very challenging.

And in other recipes the onion leads from behind by bringing out the best in other flavours.
Through empathy, influence and skillful maneuvering, a smart leader can energise the team to raise their game. 
Onions add bite & texture when thrown in a salad, but cooked down in a sauce they add sweetness. 
Different challenges have diverse paths to a solution requiring the canny leader to think outside the box and encourage the team to explore those paths.

Cutting across an onion reveals a number of rings - symbols of both strength and continuity. 
Like great leadership, these represent new experiences or challenges, with one bigger than the last.

And as any search on leadership will tell you, an onion - just like our proverbial leader - is made up of many layers. 
For me, each layer represents a chapter in our experience that moulds us into the type of leader we are today.
As for stripping them away, you might think there will be nothing left. But paradoxically, I believe we are left with ‘everything else’. Put simpIy, the leaders who shaped our early behaviours, continue to influence our decisions today. So it is vital to seek out - and offer - great leadership!
If nurtured under the right conditions, an onion can be cultivated to produce a future crop. 
This can also be said of true leadership skill. Be that manager, mentor or coach.

One final point about the humble onion: 
like any great leader, they also have the potential to move you to tears.

Google: Your People Skills

So, according to an article in the New York Times, the "people analytics" teams within Google decided they would trawl through 18 months of personnel files, staff feedback and management meeting notes, feed the answers into an algorithm to distill the data down and have finally come up with an eight-point plan to becoming a great manager within the Googleplex.

Although a noble (if extraordinarily over-engineered) piece of navel gazing, the results were not as pioneering as Google perhaps hoped for. I suspect the boffins would have arrived at the same conclusion had they fed the twenty best-selling business motivation books into the same algorithm... especially with such familiar sounding mantras floating to the surface as "have a clear vision and strategy"; "be a good coach" and other nuggets of obviousness.

Cynicism aside however, I think this scientific study based on empirical evidence does confirm what we suspected all along: that great management is about having great people skills. All-to-often managers believe that having a superior knowledge and experience of the tasks they set their subordinates will be enough to turn them into great managers. If this were the case, then why don't we see Premier League managers run onto the pitch to replace an injured team member in the dying minutes of a huge game. Simply because their job is to manage, not to play.

To be a great manager, you must hone your skills in getting the best out of your people. What sort of skills am I referring to? Skills in listening, coaching, mentoring, leading (by example), communicating, mediation, fostering trust, showing empathy, instilling discipline. The list goes on. In short, you have to be 'in tune' with each team member and with the team as an entity.

Put the whole together and it sounds intimidating. If this is the case and you don't know where to start, then start small by beginning with yourself. Follow these basic principles and you will quickly see results:

Get your office in order.

  • Turn up on time.
  • Be smartly dressed.
  • Keep your language in check.
  • Think twice about everything you say and do.
  • Get your office in order.
  • File everything (and keep it that way).
  • De-clutter your desk (and keep it that way).
  • De-clutter the workspace (even that dirty old radio someone thought was a good idea).
  • Keep your door open whenever you can.
  • Smile, spend time with your people and be receptive.
  • Listen actively.
  • Reflect on the consequences (before as much as after.)

Guess what? On a subliminal level, you are now moulding your people. If you extol these virtues diligently, you will quietly influence your team to follow suit thus creating a more professional environment. Now just build on that with the eight-point Google plan, or better still, seek out training and experience opportunities within your organisation to further understand this vital area in team leadership.